24 months

Silent CO2 hazer for smooth and very long-lasting haze.

The CO2 model produces high volume of fine haze smoothly with little working sound , Comes with an adjustable fan to bring the haze in different angle. Equipped with color touch panel for intuitive operation , Connected with a CO2 gas bottle, mixing the gas and liquid together to provide a longer hanging time.

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123 590 Kč

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More information

Antari brand new CH-1 is a slim and compact haze machine with below specialties:

  • Long hanging time
  • Little working sound 
  • Low fluid consumption
  • Ease operation by using color touch panel
  • Adjustable fan


  • Cinemas
  • Theaters
  • Philharmonic
  • Stage
  • Concerts
  • Film production
  • Clubs
  • Wherever easy operation and a large amount of imperceptible but very effective mist is required


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